It returns True if characters present in given string are alphabetic i.e A to Z else returns false.
This blog is about working with data by using different tools Excel ,Python, Access Power automate etc .
It returns True if characters present in given string are alphabetic i.e A to Z else returns false.
It will return True if elements in String are alphanumeric i.e from A to Z and 0 to 9 else…
When scroll lock is on you can not move from one cell to next cell in excel when you press…
It will return the lowest index in a string where substring sub is found and raise values error if substring…
String format_map in python takes dictionary as input and returns its key values in output.
To open Command prompt Press Window+R and then type 'cmd in box and command prompt will be open.
It will return formatted version of given string.
It will return copy of string where all tab(\t) characters are replaced with spaces. If tab size not given it…
It returns True if string endswith given suffix and False if suffix is not same as given