Str.partition & rpartition
It separate the string with separator available in string otherwise it will return string and two empty string
This blog is about working with data by using different tools Excel ,Python, Access Power automate etc .
It separate the string with separator available in string otherwise it will return string and two empty string
It returns a translation table usable for str.translate and convert argument to number.It takes dictionary as input if only one…
Str.lstrip will remove leading whitespaces in string and rstrip will remove trailing whitespaces if char are none otherwise char are…
Str.lower will return all elements in string in lower case & upper will return all letters in upper case.
g left just and right just will return left and right justified string as per width and fill character.
Aggregate formula in excel used when cells in column contain value error or hidden rows
Str.isupper returns True when all element in string are uppercase otherwise returns false.
l return True when first element of given string is upper case and rest are lower case otherwise false