Working with data frame in pandas python involve manipulation of rows and columns of data frame by different methods which are described below
Working with Data Frame in Pandas Python:
First we create a dataframe as shown below which has 3 columns and 3 rows.For details what is data frame you can click on series and dataframe in python
1.How to create Data Frame:
df = pd.DataFrame(
"Name": [
" William",
"Age": [18, 20, 40],
"Sex": ["male", "female", "female"],
Name Age Sex
0 Harris 18 male
1 William 20 female
2 Bonnell 40 female
2.Filtering & Selecting in Data Frame:
Shape of data frame can be checked by typing df.shape as shown below
#3 rows and 3 columns
3.For selecting name and age column only:
Name Age
0 Harris 18
1 William 20
2 Bonnell 40
4. For selecting rows only by name and age:
df[(df['Name']==' William')]
Output= Name Age Sex
1 William 20 female
# age is greater than 30
Output= Name Age Sex
2 Bonnell 40 female
5.Select rows and columns by index using iloc:
#it will output row 1:3(2nd and 3rd index),Columns(1st and 2nd index)
Name Age
1 William 20
2 Bonnell 40
6. Select rows and columns with any criteria using loc:
# if you want to find names of the person who has age greater than 30
2 Bonnell
Above methods are used for working with data frame in pandas python.