Python string or string in python is series of characters or element.In python idle or jupyter notebook a string is written as


any element between single quotes or double quotes will create string in python.

a is a string.



as shown in image below

string in pythonString In Python


 Methods of String in Python:

String  has many functions that can be used for working with strings.These methods make it easy to work with strings in Python, whether you’re formatting, searching, or manipulating text.

1 Str.Capitalize: To make the first character have upper case and the rest lower case.

2.Str.casefold: It Return a version of the string suitable for caseless comparisons.

3. Str.Center:It will return padded centered string.

4. Str.Count: To count number of times an object occurring in given string.

5.Str.encode:It Returns encodes version of string if not mentioned then in UTF 8 standard.

6.Str.endswith:It returns True or False if specified object matches with suffix in string.

7.Str.expandtabs:Will return copy of string in which all tab char are replaced with spaces.

8.Str.Find: It returns index of the substring which is to be find.

9.Str.Format: It returns the formatted version of string.

10. Str.Format_map: It takes values as dictionary and returns formatted version of string.

11. Str.index: It will returns the lowest index of string where substring is found in string.

12. Str.isalnum: It returns True if characters in given string are alphanumeric.

13. Str.isalpha:It returns True if characters in string are alphabetic.

14.Str.isdecimal:It returns True if characters in string are decimal numbers.

15.Str.isdigit: It returns True if characters in string are digit else returns False.

16.Str.isidentifier:It returns True if string is valid identifier else returns False.

17.Str.islower: It returns True if element in string are lowercase else returns False.

18. Str.isnumeric:It returns true if element in string are numeric else returns False.

19.Str.isprintable: It returns true if element in string are printable else returns False.

20. Str.isspace: It returns True if element in string are white spaces or space.

21. Str.istitle: It returns True if first character in string are upper case and rest are lower case else False.

22.Str.isupper: It returns True if all character in string are upper case else False.

23. Str.Join: It returns a string which is the concatenation of the two strings.

24. Str.ljust: It returns left justified string.

25.str.rjust:It returns right justified string.

26. Str.lower: It returns all letters in lower case.

27. Str.upper: It returns all elements in capital letters.

28. Str.lstrip:It removes all leading white spaces.

29.Str.rstrip:It removes all trailing white spaces.

30.Str.partition: It separate the string with separator and returns tuple with separator.

31.Str.maketrans:It returns translation table.

32.Str.replace: It will replace the old word with the new one in string.

33.Str.rpartition:It separate the string with separator and returns tuple with separator starting from end.

34.Str.split: It will split the string by given separator starting from beginning.

35.Str.rsplit: It will split the string by separator starting from end.

36. Str.startswith:It returns True when string starts with specified character else False.

37.Str.title: It turns first character of the word in capital letter.

38.Str.swapcase:It returns all letters in small case to capital and vice-versa.

39.Str.zfill:It pads a string with zero on left side, to return a string of specified width.

All above mentioned methods are used for string manipulation or working with string by clicking on link above you can learn more in details.


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